26 October till 17 November 2019
4. Berliner Herbstsalon

sharing, listening, enabling, activating

Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin invited over 30 participants to be part of the first edition of the Young Curators Academy in Berlin, initiated by Shermin Langhoff (director of Maxim Gorki Theatre Berlin) and Ong Keng Sen (Artistic Director of TheatreWorks Singapore and Founding Festival Director of Singapore International Festival of Arts 2014 to 2017).

The Young Curators Academy was hosted by Ong Keng Sen, Irina Szodruch and Erden Kosova and served as an artistic and activist platform for discovering alliances, exploring affinities, and consolidating solidarities. A central empowerment of this international gathering will be the sharing of acts of de-territorialisation, enabling transformation and connecting with other multiplicities.

Find out more here.

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